Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment method that uses thin needles inserted at specific points on the body. This method focuses on balancing the flow of energy (chi/qi) believed to move through 14 channels (meridians) in the body.
The advantages of acupuncture include:
- Safety, as it does not use medications and has no side effects.
- Naturalness, as it helps restore the balance of organ function to achieve optimal health.
Acupuncture can help address various issues, such as:
- Smoking
Acupuncture helps reduce the pleasurable sensations of smoking and decreases nicotine dependence, thus aiding in reducing the smoking habit. - Alcohol
Acupuncture is a healthy alternative for increasing relaxation and reducing stress, often providing greater benefits compared to drinking alcohol. - Gadget Addiction
Acupuncture can help overcome gadget or internet addiction by increasing the levels of N-Acetylaspartate and Choline in the brain, which tend to decrease due to excessive use.