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Home Facilities Enhanced Recovery After Caesarean Surgery (ERACS)

Enhanced Recovery After Caesarean Surgery (ERACS)

Persalinan Minim Nyeri dengan Metode ERACS
What is ERACS ?
ERACS has become one of the popular topics discussed among pregnant women in Indonesia. This is because the ERACS cesarean operation procedure offers a faster recovery process for mothers compared to regular cesarean deliveries.

During a cesarean procedure, healthcare providers typically advise patients not to move their bodies for at least 12 hours. However, with ERACS delivery, patients can sit up and move around shortly after giving birth. Therefore, more pregnant women are becoming interested in undergoing this procedure, making comprehensive information highly sought after.
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Harga Persalinan ERACS
The latest delivery method optimizes the safety and comfort of the mother, minimizes pain, and ensures faster postoperative recovery.



Deluxe 3
Rp 35.420.000
Deluxe 2
Rp 40.530.000
Deluxe 1
Rp 45.520.000
Rp 54.440.000
Rp 54.670.000
VVIP Deluxe
Rp 55.470.000
VVIP Royal
Rp 60.420.000
Rp 63.690.000

Gratis Upgrade Kelas 1 Tingkat

Berlaku untuk melahirkan Caesar kelas Deluxe 1 ke atas

Gratis Video Maternity & Merchandise

Berlaku untuk melahirkan Caesar kelas VVIP ke atas

Semua paket persalinan ERACS sudah termasuk:

Kamar perawatan selama 2 hari dan sewa kamar operasi
Kunjungan oleh Dokter Kandungan, Anak dan Anestesi
Obat sebelum dan sesudah operasi, anestesi dan obat pulang
Pemeriksaan penunjang medis (standard)
Tindakan CTG
Vaksin Hepatitis dan Polio untuk bayi
Tindik telinga khusus untuk bayi perempuan
Gift Merchandise
Terms & Conditions of ERACS Procedure :
Applicable to patients with private/public insurance, corporate, and insurance.
Must make a minimum of one (1) day agreement before the procedure.
Packages cannot be combined with other promotions.
In case of complications and difficulties, the package rate is considered void, and non-package rates apply.
The package includes administrative fees.
Valid until December 31, 2024.

Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist

The obstetrics and gynecology specialist team at Royal Progress Hospital has over 40 years of experience in performing various delivery methods, including the ERACS method. Our team of doctors is also capable of handling various procedures, including:
Deteksi dini gangguan alat reproduksi wanita dan kandungan
Deteksi dini kanker rahim
Operasi melahirkan (caesar & normal)
Operasi laparascopic ginecology (kistektomi, miomektomi dan lainnya)
Operasi minimal invasif dengan sayatan minimal untuk semua masalah kandungan

Facilities and Services

The maternity services at Royal Progress Hospital are supported by top-notch facilities. Equipped with a perinatology room to provide care for newborns requiring special attention. Additionally, it is equipped with a 4D ultrasound machine that provides real-time images of fetal movements and detects abnormalities more accurately.

The inpatient facilities for childbirth consist of options such as the Royal Premiere, VVIP Royal, VVIP Deluxe, and VIP treatment rooms. All of these are prepared to provide comfort to patients as they recover.
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Persalinan Minim Nyeri dengan Metode ERACS
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