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Company Profile

The Royal Progress Hospital is a private hospital founded by Mr. Ir. Bambang Sumantri on June 29, 1990, and at that time, the hospital was named Medika Gria Hospital (RSMG). On December 18, 1991, it was inaugurated by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Adhiyatma MPH. In order to expand medical services, RSMG opened a satellite in the form of Medika Gria Clinic, which initially included the Medika Gria Dialysis Center in early 2001, and Kitty Medika Gria in early 2005, which is now known as the best child development center in Jakarta.

On August 8, 2003, RSMG decided to become a Breastfeeding Center and was inaugurated by the Minister of Health, Dr. Achmad Sujudi, SpB, MPH - because it is recognized that providing breastfeeding to newborns up to a minimum age of 6 months will make babies have a strong immune system and can grow and develop well and healthy.

In order to continuously improve the quality of medical services, RSMG began to expand a new 9-story building. Concurrently with the completion of the new building, RSMG collaborated with the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) through YAPMEDI (Indonesian Medical Development Foundation), which is owned by FKUI on April 18, 2005. On March 1, 2007, RSMG was taken over by new management. Thus, the hospital's name was changed by its new management to Royal Progress International Hospital because the new management collaborated with foreign institutions to keep up with the latest and internationally standardized medical techniques.

The Royal Progress International Hospital was inaugurated by the Minister of Health, Dr. Adhiyatma MPH, and has been serving patients since 1990. With a land area of 4.940 m2 and a 9-story building located in a strategic location in the heart of North Jakarta, we provide 24-hour service with a smile. Royal Progress on August 23, 2012, was declared accredited by KARS 2012 with a complete and comprehensive standard focusing on patient services, hospital management, patient safety, and comfort. Royal Progress continues to provide and improve its service system with love and compassion.


Meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan lahir batin manusia secara seimbang beserta lingkungan hidupnya sejalan dengan waktu.


Menjadi organisasi medis yang inspiratif dan relevan yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan terjangkau melalui perawatan pasien terintegrasi dan komitmen untuk secara konsisten meningkatkan standar perawatan klinis untuk menjadi mitra terpercaya dalam manajemen berkelanjutan hidup pasien.

Value Statement

  1. Keluarga: Anda adalah inspirasi terbaik bagi kami
  2. Disiplin: Taat dan tertib 5R (Ringkas, Resik, Rapih, Rawat, Rajin) melalui 5M (Man, Money, Method, Machine, Material)
  3. Tanggung Jawab: Komitmen penuh terhadap keselamatan dan pengalaman positif pasien
  4. Produktifitas: Menyediakan pelayanan kesehatan terintegrasi yang berkualitas, terjangkau dan berkesinambungan
  5. Berpengetahuan Luas: Tenaga profesional terbaik yang berkomitmen untuk terus belajar dan bertumbuh terutama dalam dunia kesehatan

Company Health Services

With the increasing awareness of health among the public, and the growing need for healthcare services that meet full accreditation standards while maintaining the quality and safety of patients, it becomes a challenge for the Corporate Healthcare Service division of Royal Progress Hospital to provide enhanced services by reaching out to our partners.

We have supported various institutions and communities with highly beneficial programs, earning their trust to entrust us with their health services, including employees of partner companies, insurance beneficiaries, foundations, and associations.

If you are interested in experiencing the benefits of our Corporate Healthcare Service, we are ready with programs that can be tailored to meet your specific needs.
Layanan Kesehatan Perusahaan
Apa yang Kami Tawarkan

What We Offer

For partner institutions utilizing corporate insurance and our insurance partners, we support their health programs with the following services:

  1. Emergency Services (Emergency Room) & Ambulance
  2. Trauma Center (Workplace Accidents)
  3. Inpatient Care Services
  4. Outpatient Care Services
  5. Maternity Services
  6. Customized Medical Check-ups with criteria and needs tailored to the individual
    • Health examinations for prospective employees
    • Periodic health check-ups for employees (annually) on a mass or individual basis
    • Health examinations for potential insurance policyholders
  7. Vaccination
  8. Health Education (seminars, health talks, training such as emergency response)

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